Sunday, January 6, 2013

Expiry dates on Marriage contracts and other long overdue laws

(  1) The Provision of Expiry Dates on Marriage Contracts
Marriage contracts should contain expiry dates, like any other agreement. For my money, most would probably go for periods of not less than two (2) weeks but not to exceed two (2) months, conducted in an intense, passionate and devoted manner. Sex shall be daily, twice at the minimum, at prescribed periods with or without all parties concerned. After a period of two (2) months, parties can negotiate for another two-month (2) extension with a provision for another two more months(2).
With expiration dates on marriages, animosity between the state and the church here in the Philippines can be avoided, specially now with some nut talking about a  divorce law right after the Reproductive Health law. Also, we can skip expensive legal and church proceedings for divorces and annulments.
(  2)  A Sin Tax on Elective Positions
With the general view that politics is corrupt, elected officials can prove otherwise by paying a tax for their position. A rate of P10 for every vote sounds reasonable.
( 3) The declaration of Erap's pompadour as a national heritage.
Like a worn out pair of shoes, the bid of the former president for the mayoralty of Manila smells. His politics like his hairstyle have gone out of style and should be viewed in a museum for reference only. What would Philippine politics be without the pompadour? Probably better, nuff' said.
(  4) Outlawing of the performance of Gangnam style by elected and appointed Philippine officials with at least the equivalent rank of Undersecretary. 
The gangnam, may have made dancing accessible again to people with two left feet when it set out to trivialize the complicated dance steps and the body contortions currently in vogue. Trivialize is the operative word and didn't you cringe at the sight of DOH Usec Tayag dancing to make an all important point on safety from firecrackers.
Imagine all the bureaucrats dancing the gangnam to make a point.
(  5) A special budget provision for a translator for Manny Pacquiao 
Believe me, Manny, this hurts me as much as it would hurt your ego. Your communication represents not only a boxing champion but a whole nation as you are an elected legislative representative, a work that requires communication skills. With a speech coach, things would get better in time. Just  for now, get a translator.
(  6) A policy of stamping the word 'Disneyland' across the map on Chinese passports.
The Chinese fantasy of the nine-dash should be dashed with a dose of reality.
(  7) An administrative order to change government disbursement vouchers' tag line of "To Payment"
Who came up with this?
Description of transactions in government vouchers usually start with the phrase 'to payment' as in: to payment of purchase of dump trucks.
I don;t know how it started but it is grammatically incorrect.
( 8) Outlawing of Sleeveless shirts, Midribs,  Short-shorts, Two (2) Piece bikinis, lingerie, halter,   plunging necklines and any type of 'supposed' sex provoking clothing  on fat, wrinkled, aging women and ill-looking, cross dressers.
Imagine your grandmother in a bikini. OUCH!!! Now, hold the image and morph in the head of the fat, hairy screaming, cross-dresser down the street. This is to save children from the obscenity of desperation and avoid a shooting rampage by people with delicate sensitivities.
(  9) A ban on anti-RH bill homilies
Nuff has been sed alredi!!! One more and I would seek conversion to Mormonism. Can one seek a temporary restraining order on anti-RH homilies?
(10) Legalization of Marijuana
And the crowd goes wild!!!

O Freunde, nicht diese Tone!
Sondern labt uns angenehmere anstimmen,
und freudenvollere.

(11) The Declaration of Chief Justice Sereno's psychological test, a national secret.
It's revelation might cause our downgrade in all international rankings.

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